TriQuin RP Hub

The Silent Dark Knight.AGE
A Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te who has taken to wandering separate from his clan. He had taken to adventuring and soon became a guy you could depend on for any task. However, his life takes a turn for the unusual in the most unexpected of ways, unknowingly becoming a hero. Now he has more secrets than ever before, ones he's unsure if he can keep.

Hero's Watcher.AGE
A Hyuran/Elezen half breed, born to an Ishgardian lesser house under House Haillentarte and a Sharlayan Astrologian. Desiring to prove his worth to his father, he took to leaving Ishgard as a means to further himself as both a knight but also as a son to his father. However, during his struggles he found his way to the Warrior of Light's party, doing more than he ever expected.

Onmyoji of Mount Daitenz.AGE
A Raen hailing from Koshu of Othard, family head of a family who are in charge of a shrine upon Mount Daitenz. He ran away from his duties as a means to actually explore the world before he's tied down to the role of being a leader for both his family but also the towns following the shrine. As a result, he is doing his best to stay well away from his homeland of Othard.
B'lyth BrightStar

Blade in the Mist.AGE
A Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te who lost his family at a very young age, learning how to survive by any means he could. He was taken in by a group of adventurers for his agility and balance, being further trained to become both a tracker and assassin. However, he once more found himself on his own when he found his new family dead. Now he's once more struggling to survive.

Golden Sparrow.AGE
Early 20s.PRONOUNS
A Raen with Xaelic blood, who hails from a high ranking family within Doma. His family aided the Garleans during the occupation and rebellion, earning them a high standing within the military This allowed Hisao to be trained under the Garlean arts. He's since left as a means to escape his family's expectations as well as broaden his own views of life outside the Empire.

Seat of Halmarut.AGE
Previously a member of the Convocation, but having since been sundered, he has awaken as a shard of his former self. Now residing in the body of a Miqo'te, he's been awaken by the other Ascians as a means to help assist them in bringing about the Joining, to return to the times of Eld. However, even though he does want to return, he is also fascinated by what the star has become.
I play Vaco'a as the Warrior of Light. If you are not comfortable with RPing with a Warrior of Light, I can play him as a regular adventurer with the Echo.
However, please know that the MSQ is what makes him who he is.
His background includes MSQ content for A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker and Dawntrail; so do not read if you haven't beaten any of them.
I will be labeling where each Expansion ends/starts.

Vaco'a Yeidsa.ALIAS
Warrior of Light/Darkness.AGE
Miqo'te - 3/4 Keeper of the Moon | 1/4 Seeker of the Sun.NAMEDAY
8th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon.SEXUALITY
Homosexual (Gay).ORIENTATION
Black Shroud | EmpyreumCLASSES
Dark Knight | Dragoon.OCCUPATION
Brave, Compassionate, Dutiful, Gallant, Loyal, Reliable, Warm.
Adventurous, Determined, Moralistic, Proud, Stern, Tough.
Aimless, Blunt, Destructive, Indecisive, Odd, Repressed, Self-Sacrificing.
Black | White Highlights.EYES
Allagan Red.HEIGHT
5 Fulm 8 Ilm.BUILD
Muscular | Scarred.FEATURES
Clan marks | White Eyeshadow.ITEMS
Stone Pendant | Mask | Job Stones.
Vaco | Keeper | Alive | Black Shroud.FATHER
G'sehr | Seeker/Keeper | Alive | Black Shroud.ELDER SISTER
Vuseh | Keeper/Seeker | Alive | Black Shroud.YOUNGER SISTER
Nuru | Keeper/Seeker | Alive | Black Shroud.YOUNGER SISTER
Yura | Keeper/Seeker | Alive | Black Shroud.YOUNGER BROTHER
Vaco'to | Keeper/Seeker | Alive | Black Shroud.

ㅤA REALM REBORNㅤ Vaco'a lived with his family in the Shroud, leaving due to feeling a longing for adventuring. During his first few months of adventuring, he meets Papalymo and Yda, proving himself to be not quite like everyone else. He traveled around as he raised his name as an adventurer and eventually was invited to the Scions, where it was he fought off primals and armies alike in their name. He also assisted an ally, known as Cid, with exploring the Crystal Tower. Fighting against the Emperor of Allag and halting the plot of Voidsent to roam Hydealyn, he met many allies, and said goodbye to one, with the closure of the Crystal Tower.
ㅤHEAVENSWARDㅤ He never wanted to be a 'hero' but that was what he became. He traveled from the Free Cities to Ishgard after a devious plot against his life, to which he help them. It was here in Ishgard, that he took up the blade of a Dark Knight, through the help of a mysteriously masked knight. He was able to bring an end to the Dragonsong War, making many friends and losing many allies. Some friends came in the form of Sky Priates, know as The Redbills. Again, he stopped a group of Voidsent from trying to take over his home, sending them back to their realm. After farewells and a gift signifying his ties to the Redbills, he went on to his next quest.
ㅤSTORMBLOODㅤ He never stopped helping those in need, thinking of them before himself. It was unknown that he would often run himself ragged, helping others as he did. In his quest to continue helping the weak, he traveled to Gyr Abania and Doma, liberating both from the iron grip of the Garlean Empire. It was also during this march for liberation that he met a true foe, Zenos, ending his life.But it didn't end there, again he was at Cid's side to uncover the mysteries of the weapon they used against the dragon Ilberd had summoned. Omega. Through the aid of a little chocobo, Alpha, he dominated Omega's game, ending it's conquest on the realm.
ㅤSHADOWBRINGERSㅤ It was during the final stretch against the Garlean Empire, that a voice called out to him. His allies would fall into a coma, never to wake after hearing said voice. Little did Vaco'a know, it was all a prelude to his arrival to a new world, the World of the First to which he met a mysterious man. The Crystal Excach, who had a familiar air to him. He brought darkness back to the First, but with many mysteries revealed and truths laid bare. But his adventures in the First weren't finished. He and his allies explores means to send the Scions back home to the Source, while Vaco'a himself also worked to stop an android war. Exploring both dungeons and broken space centers, he halted the war and found the means to bring his friends home. He also assisted in restoring life to the First with the efforts of Ryne and Gaia.
ㅤENDWALKERㅤ His work wasn't finished however, as a new threat had come about, which could end the very existence of life itself upon the Source. With the arrival of a new Ascian, Fandaniel as well as the return of a fallen foe, Zenos. Towers appeared, bringing destruction with them. As a result, the Scions traveled farther, to the reaches of Sharyalan and Thavnair, to combat these threats. With the aid of of a dragon, Vrtra, the towers were able to be taken down, restoring some semblance of peace. However, their next course of action was to confront Fandaniel and Zenos, in the Empire of Garlemald. Here, Vaco'a was tested, both with compassion and rage. Compassion for the Garlean people, and rage against one man, Zenos. He would protect everyone, no matter. Ascending to the moon in a chase, Zodiark's prison was revealed. And with his defeat, brought about the endtimes. A threat from long before the worlds were sundered. Traveling to the past, meeting Ascians before such a name was thought, unraveling the threat of all worlds, Dynamis. Aboard a space ship built by the Sharlayan, the Scions traveled to the final battle, The End of Worlds. Losing friends and all alone at the end, he found the person who would cause destruction of all life, Meteion. A friend he had made in the past, before the end began. Though making her realize life was more than simply living, he saved her. But he couldn't save himself, not after one final fight against his rival. Zenos. Or so he thought, as he was brought back to the ship through a series of miracles, and the wishing of his allies. He was able to go home. A home they had all managed to save. But even in a time of peace, there were still mysterious to uncover, lands to explore. Though, life was good, being able to enjoy a simple adventure once more.
g'raha tia

♡ lovers
Vaco'a cares deeply for G'raha, ever since he left him in the Crystal and woke him again. His feelings only grew for him in the First and their relationship solidified since then. He would protect him with his life.

♡ romantic
Vaco'a developed an affection for Erenville within Sharlayan, one that grew the more he spent time with the Viera. He becane to care for him when in Tural, their journey further solidify their growing relationship.

♡ developing romance
Vaco'a grew to care for the other, through his concern for Wuk Lamat and his devotion to aiding her and his newfound nation. Vaco'a wishes to help him, in doing so, give him time to figure out his feelings for the other.

♡ familial
Vaco'a has cared for Alisaie, almost viewing her as a younger sister through their journeys. He would do anything to make sure both she and her brother are safe, no matter what he has to do.

♡ familial
Vaco'a grew close with Alphinaud during their time within the Crystal Braves and Ishgard, viewing him as a younger brother. Like his sister, he'd do anything to keep him safe.

♡ familial
Vaco'a views the entirety of the Scions of the Dawn as family, in one shape or form. Even though they have all gone their separate ways, each of them has impacted him, both current and past members.

♡ platonic
Vaco'a has a complex relationship with Emet-Selch. Enemies then allies. He wishes he could spend time with the friend whom he can only vaguely remember from a forgotten past.

♡ platonic
Vaco'a still feels as though he knows so very little about Hytholaeus, but it's a relationship that he considers to be a good. A 'new' old friend, one that he wishes he could have gotten to know more of.

♡ familial
Vaco'a feels a certain familial bond to the woman who made him what he is now. Venat was more than a teacher, but a friend and family. Family to which he will always miss and wish he had more time.

♡ antagonistic
Vaco'a has complex feelings in regards to Zenos. He cannot agree with his ideals and always finds they are at odds, yet there is a clear bond between the two of them. Even if he wishes it wasn't quite so.
ㅤㅤAncient | azem | devoveoㅤㅤ
I play Raphael with another who is the Warrior of Light and his story is deeply interlocked with his as well as the WoL storyline. If you are not comfortable with RPing with a Warrior of Light or someone closely affiliated, I'd recommend not interacting with Raphael.
His background includes MSQ contact for Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker and Dawntrail; so do not read if you haven't beaten any of them.
I will be label where each Expansion ends/starts.

Raphael Marseille.ALIAS
Hero's Watcher.AGE
Hyur - Midlander | Elezen Mix.NAMEDAY
24th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon.SEXUALITY
Switch [Submissive].BIRTH PLACE
Paladin | Astrologian | Sage.OCCUPATION
Healer | Scion.
Dark Brown | Liight Brown Highlights.EYES
Heterochromia | Blue/Green.HEIGHT
5 Fulm 2 Ilm.BUILD
Fit | Athletic.FEATURES
Scar on his cheek | Freckles | Pointed Ears.ITEMS
Sword | Necklace.
Marthine Purcell | Midlander | Dead.FATHER
Killiaux | Elezen | Alive | Ishgard.STEPMOTHER
Ineselle | Elezen | Alive | Ishgard.STEPSISTER
Sibylle | Rava | Alive | Ishgard.UNCLE
Tallairr Purcella | Veena | Alive | Sharlayan.

ㅤTitleㅤ Backstory

♡ lovers
Raphael wouldn't be where he is now without Roe. He wouldn't even be alive if Roe hadn't been there to save him. His life has never been the same since and he wouldn't change it for anything.

♡ comrade
Feelings regarding character.

♡ Comrade/friend
Feelings regarding character.

♡ relationship type
Feelings regarding character.

♡ relationship type
Feelings regarding character.

Color | Color Highlights.EYES
Fulm Ilm.BUILD
Name | Race | Status | Location.FATHER
Name | Race | Status | Location.

ㅤTitleㅤ WIP

♡ relationship type
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♡ relationship type
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♡ relationship type
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♡ relationship type
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

♡ relationship type
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.